Ukrainian Escort Blog
I have for you four Ukraine escorts girls who completely are enamoured of you! You can do with them that want. They constantly think of you, but do not admit, because are afraid that you will laugh over their feelings. Therefore pretend that you know nothing». The sachet very much was pleasant to be my guinea pig. Though in detail he knew nothing about my experiment. I simply adjusted women and asked, that was, about what to it without telling. It met all the week long girls several times with everyone. Then I a week later have called back to them.
The first: «Sasha has absolutely changed my opinion on it. It became such good, I did not expect. It already practically is pleasant to me! At us with it can as it will turn out, and why you ask?.»
The second: «Your Ukraine escorts friend is not too bad it has appeared, as I spoke. Though it and not in my taste, but it was simply class sex! It persevering». (Also it is our modest Sasha!) the Third: «From what it took, what I will meet it? Why he so insisted, you that have arranged it? I did not ask to equip the private Ukraine escorts life! Gifts it is not necessary for me». The little fool, you do not appreciate my gifts — well and it is fine! More never you with anybody I will not acquaint. And could reduce with the class guy. read more →
To deliver itself and them pleasure, more shortly, to have sex! The Ukraine escort woman will tell to you: «do not listen, do how I speak to you, I know that it is necessary for me». NEVER TRUST IT!!! She does not know that it is necessary for it! The Ukraine escort woman such being: if you listen that she speaks and to penetrate into sense of these words poor you I, you is sincerely a pity to me! The Ukraine escort woman tells one, and means absolutely another. If the woman sees that the man obeys her, means, he/she is the male, in its opinion which it can construct!
What it then the male? She should feel that you are much more confident than it. Therefore operate how you consider it necessary. Never justify, do not apologise for the acts. Has made — means so it is necessary! She will ask: «What for?» Your answer, remember it: SO it is necessary! I SO HAVE solved. It is necessary not to listen to Ukraine escort women, and to study, the nobility and to understand their requirements, real requirements, instead of that they talk without a stop. As practice has shown, these are different things. They say at all that is necessary for them. And I know that it is necessary for them and even more — as them to make happy. Therefore rise on studying of Ukraine escort women and how it is necessary to communicate with them. Tell, if you descend on one training on boxing how you think, you will learn boxing? Correctly, NO! read more →
How your escort in Ukraine girl concerns it? — She about it does not ask me! The second rule already from planning area. Appointment “for today” appoint yesterday! Always plan week in the end of Sunday if you do not want to spend this week in loneliness. It too is important for the temper. Plan meetings! Never do nothing one. Buy belongings with the escort in Ukraine woman. She will dress you to the taste and after that should fall in love. Only look, be not mistaken with the woman and its taste.
Go to the cinema with women, sleep with women. Make so that escort in Ukraine women were always nearby. That they fed you with energy and loved you. Women is the keystone to success for any muzhik! All my pupils after trainings on a seducing grandiosely grow in life. Because round them escort in Ukraine women are twisted, and people start to reach for them. The success and asks for a pocket. All love the happy person. At the usual beginning temper it is some appointments in a week with different girls who, as a rule, come to an end or continuation of appointment of the house, or following appointment. Anyway the purpose is obvious — to pass to the following stage of relations — to tempt the girl. Sex should occur, here that! «How much it morally: to have sex with different girls?» — Usually ask me. Whether I deceive them? And from what it? I to marry them I do not gather yet. And then we will look. The temper has sex for three reasons. read more →
I am engaged, has asked for this group, and I it took. The group of the selected participants gathered regularly for teleshow preparation. He is wanted to get acquainted with the Ukraine escort girl, it was its constant problem and desire. But, as he confirmed, he behaved with Ukraine escort girls incorrectly.
Therefore it also has asked me for suggestions. In spite of the fact that I have given to it some valuable instructions, it is all the same constant Quailed, and I have decided that the guy is time for rescuing. It was one of the most difficult my pupils because practically trusted nothing. I said that it is pleasant to Ukraine escort women, but he only looked down and answered:
— Bleach I it it am pleasant, why they do not court round me the same as round you? Why they do not look at me the same eyes?
— Whence you know?
— I know.
A trick that you always see when the Ukraine escort girl looks at other guy. But when she pays attention to you, you as if grow blind. Why so? Because the girl tries to hide it from you? Can be! Because you do not notice its signals, you are banal the inattentive? And it too is true! And, at last, it is simple because you hammer to yourself into the head that Ukraine escort women to you do not have affairs! And it is far not so! read more →
Who make the big success at escort in Ukraine women, are convinced:«I AM pleasant to ALL NORMAL WOMEN». If I am not pleasant to someone, it means that«it is the WRONG WOMAN». Still when I am in a superconfident condition and mine the beginning and climbs from me, I do not doubt that I can tempt any if it will be possible to remain with her alone. And more often and occurs. If I remain alone with the escort in Ukraine woman it does not have chances. Even if it will escape, I will gently tear on it clothes and then she will want me because women like passion!
To escort in Ukraine women adore that wild animal which sits in me. I at times represent, as it climbs outside, but I do not let out it! My movements gentle and smooth, but in eyes fire blazes, and the sight of this violent animal is felt! When the escort in Ukraine woman feels it, at it run on a skin. I so wind myself intentionally, outwardly remaining quiet and assured because precisely I know: now the girl washing, it has not enough chances. Still I often add about myself:«YOU ALREADY MINE!» . I hope that it will serve you as the guide to action, and your wild animal will find out itself! Many women told to me that it is pleasant to them, when the man behaves as the muzhik. I asked, whether it seems to them, what it is too rough? The majority answered that they dreamt to meet for a long time such person near to whom you can feel the escort in Ukraine woman. read more →