Ukraine escorts agency ladies
Sunday, December 26, 2010 / Adult Guide To Ukraine
Test So, before you« the beauty test », developed by me specially that to help each Ukraine escorts woman to estimate properly pluses and minuses of the appearance. Put on a bathing suit (better separate) and at day illumination rise before big, in all growth, a mirror. It is even better, if you make this bared Ukraine escorts agency girls test. Walk before a mirror, look at itself from different directions, sideways, from a back (for this purpose use a manual mirror). Do not lose sight of any trifle. However not be to itself unfairly captious, do not direct attention to insignificant small defects On the other hand, refuse the narcissism deprived of any criticism. Try to be objective. With it you will be helped by the following tested reception. At first imagine that the enamoured man looks at you, it will help you to note your doubtless advantages. And now try to look at itself eyes of the spiteful competitor (though it and is not too pleasant!) . Estimate the appearance from this position. After you finish the supervision, put down to yourself estimations on five-point system opposite to each point in the list resulted more low. The GENERAL VIEW Growth Weight (completeness degree) Proportions (harmony of parts of a body) the Bearing (symmetry, stateliness) the Hair colour Skin colour Quality of a skin the HEAD Hair (density, the invoice) the Person (as a whole) Quality of a face skin the Face form the Form of a forehead of the Eyebrow of the Eye the Nose of the Lip Teeth the Chin Ears the Line of a profile the FIGURE the Neck Shoulders Area of a decollete the Breast the Waist the Hip Stomach the Lateral line of a trunk (en face) the Forward line of a trunk (in a profile) the Buttock Back the Back line of a trunk (in a profile) Feet: Length of feet the Form of feet the top part (to a knee) the bottom part (from a knee) Ankles of the Foot Straightness of feet of the Hand: the top part (to an elbow) the bottom part (from an elbow) the Wrist the Brush Fingers Nails After the test is filled, pass to a following stage. The term which should be known.« Narcissism »– preference of own Ukraine escorts body as object of a sexual inclination. In the Greek mythology the Narcissus – the fine young man who has rejected love of the nymph and for it has been punished by the goddess Aphrodite that has fallen in love with the reflexion in water. From hopelessness the Narcissus has committed suicide, having pinned up itself a dagger. Flowers also have grown from drops of its blood narcissuses. In an everyday life a word"narcissus"designate the selfish, vainglorious people adoring and considering that they do not have lacks. Definition of advantageous lines of appearance After performance of the test of Ukraine escorts beauty you can easily define the best lines of your appearance. Lead round a red pencil the parametres which have deserved your highest estimations, that is,"five"(or"four"if you are too self-critical and«fives»at you has not appeared). These are"trumps"of your appearance! You have the right to be proud of them and safely to expose on a general review.